BE READY is a Larimer County-wide collaboration that creates Ready Children, Ready Families, Ready Schools and a Ready Community. Multiple partners…parents, the medical community, employers, childcare providers, libraries, school districts, community and government agencies, faith communities, service organizations…share in the responsibility to make certain all the children in Larimer County will be ready to be successful when they start school.
BE READY is important because we know that the basis for success starts at birth. The first five years of life are critical. 90% of our brain’s growth occurs by age five. Health and activity, feelings and behavior, language and learning are all part of each child’s development. Research demonstrates that parents are the most important factor in ensuring young children get the stimulation and support they need to succeed. Children who enter school ready to learn are more apt to graduate from high school, have higher incomes as adults, and lower crime rates.
BE READY FAMILY FAIRS provide opportunities to engage in activities, learn about community resources, take advantage of book give-aways, and enjoy free food and beverage.
READY SET KINDERGARTEN! GUIDE, a partnership with Estes Park School District, Poudre School District and Thompson School District, is a helpful tool especially for four-year olds and their families.
BE READY NAVIGATORS provide resource navigation for at-risk families with children from birth through age eight as they prepare their children to enter school.
Learn more about all of these on the BE READY WEBSITE
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