Child care programs – and the professionals who work in them – are essential to Colorado’s success. That’s why the State of Colorado is investing $271 million of federal stimulus funds to support child care programs and providers statewide and to make quality child care easier to access and afford for Colorado families.

The Office of Early Childhood is excited to announce the following stimulus strategies to support the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) – both child care providers and the families they serve. These initiatives will go into effect on July 1, 2022.

Learn more about how to become a CCCAP provider here.

Payment Based on Enrollment for Licensed Infant and Toddler Providers

Licensed CCCAP Providers caring for infants and toddlers will begin receiving payment based on enrollment instead of attendance starting July 1, 2022. Reimbursements based on enrollment will ensure providers have predictable payments they can rely on. This means that even if a child who receives CCCAP misses a day of care the provider will still receive payment.

Payments will be distributed automatically to eligible providers through the regular CCCAP reimbursement schedule. Learn more about when eligible providers can expect to receive their CCCAP payments here.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Providers and families will still be required to check children in and out of care using the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) or CORE. This is required by CCCAP rules and the Fiscal Agreement. Providers must also ensure that they are only receiving payment for children enrolled in their program. If a provider receives a new CCCAP authorization for a child that is not actively enrolled, this must be reported to the county. If a child is no longer enrolled in the program that is required to be reported within two business days. Funds that go out for children not enrolled may be subject to recovery.

Increasing Initial Income Eligibility Thresholds (At Application)

The income thresholds that determine CCCAP eligibility when a family applies for the program will increase starting July 1, 2022. The increase will allow families just outside of the current income eligibility levels to qualify for assistance. An estimated 3,000 additional families could be eligible for CCCAP following this change.

The income eligibility thresholds will adjust as follows:

  • Counties currently at 185% FPG initial income threshold: Increase to 200% FPG

  • Counties currently at 225% FPG initial income threshold: Increase to 235% FPG

  • Counties currently at 265% FPG initial income threshold: Increase to 270% FPG

Starting July 1, 2022, families and providers should refer to this income eligibility sheet (para español haga clic aquí) to determine if they are eligible to apply for CCCAP under the new eligibility thresholds.

Apply for All the Grants You Can

Programs are encouraged to apply to all available grants and incentives for which they are eligible.

Visit this page to learn about the opportunities that are available to different types of child care providers under the federal stimulus.