March 2018 Newsletter

Talking to Kids About Trauma and Violence

In light of the recent school shooting in Florida, some families and teachers may struggle with how to react or how to talk with children about safety. Here are some resources to use when navigating such a heavy topic:

Need to find a summer camp for your kiddos?

Call the Colorado Shines Child Care Referral at Mile High United Way to receive a free list of licensed Summer Camp options in Colorado near you! 1-877-338-2273.

Estes Valley Childcare Needs Assessment

The Estes Valley Childcare Needs Assessment Report has been released! This study looks at the needs of childcare in the Estes Valley and makes strategic recommendations for improving both access and the quality of childcare services.  It can be viewed, downloaded and printed here.

Community Events

Family Fairs

These fairs are for families to learn more about local resources, children’s activities,The Loveland Be Ready Family Fair is being held on Saturday, March 24th, 2018 from 9 am to 12 pm at the Loveland Public Library (300 N. Adams Ave., Loveland, CO 80537).
English & Spanish Flyers

The Estes Park Be Ready Family Fair is being held on Saturday, April 7th, 2018 from 9 am to 12 pm at the Estes Park Elementary School Gym (1505 Brodie Ave., Estes Park, CO 80517).
English Flyer
Spanish Flyer

Leap Community Conversations

Check out the latest schedule for upcoming Community Conversations hosted by the Leap Coalition. Topics include Sexual Abuse of Young Children: Prevention, Recognition, and Response; Pregnancy Related Depression:Understanding the science, symptoms, screening, and stigma; and Building Personal & Staff Resilience: Thriving in our Demanding Jobs.

Community Conversations Calendar
Training Credit Hours Available

For Licensed Child Care Providers
What is CCCAP?
The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) provides child care assistance to families who meet the income guideline.  The eligible activities for CCCAP are employment, searching for employment, job training, and post-secondary education.  Also, teen parents and those families who are enrolled in the Colorado Works program, and need child care services to support their efforts towards self-sufficiency are eligible. CCCAP provides access to reduced-cost child care at licensed child care facilities or qualified (unlicensed) providers.  Currently, for Low-Income CCCAP, Larimer County has a waitlist, and is not accepting any new families onto the program.
In response to a recent survey of child care providers, about whether they accept enrollments of children qualifying for the Colorado Child Care Subsidies, we realized there is a little myth busting that needed to happen.  Below are some of the myths and truths regarding CCCAP in Larimer County Colorado:Myth: If my program offers part-day programming, it does not qualify to accept CCCAP.
Truth: CCCAP is meant to meet the needs of the parent/guardian to be involved in eligible activities, if your program helps them to meet this need, then the program may qualify to have a fiscal agreement to accept CCCAP payments.Myth: CCCAP does not pay for absences or holidays.
Truth:  CCCAP pays for up to six paid holidays (New Year’s, Memorial, Fourth of July, Labor, Thanksgiving and Christmas days and up to nine absences per year for each child.

Myth: It is too difficult to access the training to accept CCCAP.
Truth: Providers will no longer need to use the Point of Service (POS) machines for families to swipe their cards.  A new application based program has been developed which allows the use of mobile phones, tablets or computers to track children’s attendance.
It is much easier for a parent to verify their child’s attendance in this new system if they forget to sign them in.  A web-based training is available and many people feel it is intuitive.  This new system is called the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) and will go live in the near future.  The ATS is compatible with many other attendance tracking systems you may already use.

Myth: All children in the program must be tracked in the new system.
Truth: While you can use this new system to track all children, you are only required to track children receiving the CCCAP subsidy.  To avoid the stigma of singling out families who are receiving the subsidy, you may want all families to use the system, which helps you in tracking all attendance.Myth: With families being placed on a waiting list, there is no point in having a fiscal agreement to accept the enrollment of any child(ren) receiving the subsidy since there are any new children coming on.
Truth: There are a couple of reasons to consider having a fiscal agreement to accept CCCAP.  While families who qualify for  Low Income CCCAP are being placed on a waitlist in Larimer County, families who qualify for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) are funded through TANF to receive CCCAP and are notwaitlisted.  Having an agreement allows you to enroll a child more quickly if you are contacted by a family needing care and the situation is a match for your opening(s).
Additionally, having a fiscal agreement and being at a Colorado Shines Level 2 or higher allows your program to access quality improvement dollars and coaching support.  In Larimer County, the quality improvement fund allocations are as follows, with the potential for additional allocations depending on the number of programs participating:
  • Family Child Care – $559 (in February 2018 this allocation was increased to $838 for this fiscal year)
  • Centers/preschools 1-3 classrooms – $664 (in February 2018 this allocation was increased to  $996 for this fiscal year)
  • Center with 4 or more classrooms – $838 (in February 2018 this allocation was increased to  $1257 for this fiscal year)
Myth: CCCAP pays too little.
Truth: CCCAP pays rates based on the program type and the Colorado Shines Rating Level, or the maximum rate the provider charges, if it is less. Click the purple button below to see all Larimer County reimbursement rates.
CCCAP Reimbursement Rates
Upcoming Trainings

Estes Park Early Childhood Conference

The Balancing Act
Join EVICS to learn about mental health, wellness, and mindfulness for Early Childhood Professionals and the children in their care.
4/21/18; 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Estes Park Early Childhood Conference

Numbers and Measurement in the Preschool Classroom training

This training supports teachers of 3 & 4 years old children in the practice and understanding of activities and vocabulary of math.
3/24/18; 9:00 am – 12:15 pm
Learn more here

Working with Families (Touchpoints)

In this training, participants will develop skills and expertise to build powerful, positive relationships with families.
Starts 4/07/18; 8:30 am – 2:30 pm 
Learn more here

The Importance of Play: Play vs Play Based Curriculum

This interactive training will look at the importance of play and how play experiences support children’s development.
4/10/18; 6:00 – 9:00 pm 
Learn more here

Guidance: Challenges & Rewards

Learn more about what caregivers should know about guidance, the ABC Model, Erikson’s Theory of Psycho-social Development, and effective practices and discover the keys to success!
4/14/18; 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 
Learn more here

Register for ECCLC trainings at or email Valerie with questions: [email protected]