ECCLC FY 2017 Evaluation Report
Do you want to know the latest status of children in Larimer County?
As part of its Strategic Planning process, the ECCLC Advisory Council, Board and Staff identified data measures to track on a regular basis. ECCLC staff presented a summary of this information at our August 2017 Council meeting, and we have now compiled the data into a report. A sample of the data included in the report is highlighted below. We welcome your questions and input on what data points are or are not informative. Please send any feedback to Bev Thurber at [email protected].
October 4th was the first Community Conversation hosted by SummitStone Health Partners called: Mental Health and the Importance of Building Healthy Relationships with Young Children. Twenty-four professionals from 16 different organizations attended and engaged in the discussion about how to build a community that promotes resiliency in families so young children thrive.
Next, Foothills Gateway hosted a Conversation on November 9th titled: The Importance of Social Emotional Screening and Interventions for Children Ages Birth to Five. 50 people attended this session representing 24 different organizations. Local experts from Larimer County Department of Health and Environment/KIDS initiative, Early Intervention/Foothills Gateway, Poudre School District/Child Find, and Thompson School District/Child Find all presented.
On January 11th, the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment hosted 51 people from 32 different organizations with the Community Conversation topic being Trauma Supports for Young Children–Building a Trauma Informed Community.