When someone says – its okay, this is just temporary – it usually means that you should be prepared to get through something. Something that is out of the norm for you – something that will call on you to be adaptable and patient. Temporary has always been a trigger word for me because I was worried that if I was called to step up and be the strength through a temporary situation that my anxieties, fears and irritations might be exposed. I always wanted temporary to be quick so I could move on to permanent and relax. The idea of permanence is somehow relaxing to most people – or maybe it’s more the familiarity we like so much.
But then, temporary became kind of beautiful. At my wedding 17 years ago, my new husband and I took several breaks during the reception to look around at all the love in this temporary time together. My pregnancy was temporary but being a mother is a love forever. My dad was temporarily in ICU, but now he’s better and….he’s here. Really – most pivotal moments are temporary – not forever, yet profound.
What we are collectively living through right now, together, has been called temporary and we have all been called upon to find our strength. This unbelievable, unprecedented time has shown me that what I am experiencing here in the temporary, the love and connection with my family; the laughter, support, and innovative solutions created with my coworkers; the overall appreciation for humankind; and the abundance of gratitude for so many things previously overlooked – that may become my permanent, and I am more than okay with that.
Heather Blanco, Quality Initiatives and Workforce Manager